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An Earth Leakage unit detects current imbalance in trainborne and wayside cabling systems. Early detection of cable degradation can prevent further cable damage and the potential hazards associated with this type of fault.
AC & DC Earth Leakage
Hydraulic-magnetic circuit breakers offer precise, specification assured, temperature independent circuit protection.
Circuit Breakers
On-train (Trainborne) multi-input data loggers for vehicle fault & crash data acquisition and interrogation.
Data Loggers
From a basic single core to a multi core, high data lines and RF screened cables to prevent electromagnetic interference.
Electrical Harnesses
Judicial Data Recorders (JRU) are a crucial part of any rail vehicle system integrity regarding train control and monitoring system (TCMS) and its interaction with signalling systems such as ERTMS and CBTC.
Judicial Data Recorders (JRU)
Overspeed protection for trams, trolley-bus, industrial locomotive and rail plant.
Overspeed Protection System
Designed for harsh environments - industrial and traction - the Rowe Hankins Ltd. RCBO uses industry proven Sensata circuit breakers with an integrated current sensor.
Predict potential faults with 96.60% accuracy using AI-driven, plug-and-play real-time monitoring.
Railway Asset Condition Monitoring
To assist wayside applications of Network Rail's preventative maintenance program, by monitoring currents in rail signalling problems.
Small Signal Current Monitoring (NIC)
Multi channel speed and direction sensors for safety critical systems, designed to operate in harsh environments.
Speed Sensors
The Surge Arrestor Module (SAM) is a state-of-the-art solution designed to protect railway signaling and trackside systems from electrical surges, lightning strikes, and voltage transients. With proven durability and performance, SAM ensures operational reliability while minimizing maintenance costs and downtime.
Surge Arrestor Module (SAM)
Multi channel speed and direction sensors for safety critical systems, designed to operate in harsh environments.
Our Intelligent Wheel Flange Lubrication (iWFL) system, is a trainborne intelligent dispensing system, designed to improve rail safety whilst reducing wheel wear - saving time, money and lives.
Wheel Flange & Top of Rail Lubrication